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Showstopper Magazine (Summer 2024)


Summer 2024 (Simone Biles)

It’s the summer of the champion! Inspired by the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, we’re looking at the many qualities that make a champion from strength to determination to community. The Champion issue of Showstopper Magazine is led by Simone Biles whose Olympic journey is about more than being the best athlete. Track breaking’s Olympic debut, get advice for when you don’t win, and catch up with Caroline Romano, Kylie Cantrall, Pop Money, Joe Capati, Celestina Harris, Jordan Takai, Spencer Moss, Kayden Muller-Janssen, Sophia Oppegard, Jennifer Michele de Winter, Jessia, Lilo Baier, and Jessia Harling. Plus! Discover your champion quality, keep up with the trends winning ur feeds, and get an inside look at Showstopper’s Finals.



Showstopper Magazine

The #1 teen dance magazine Showstopper Magazine is a biannual publication that features exclusive interviews with top young dancers, actors, singers, and influencers as well as and behind the scenes looks at everything from new music and movies to Broadway shows. Each themed issue spotlights positivity and dance with quizzes, feature articles, and more! PLUS! Meet incredible dancers from studios across the United States in our recurring Dancers Across America article.

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